The Maryland Neuroimaging Center is available to researchers from the University of Maryland and other regional centers.
Available for use on-site:
- Functional MRI Stimulation and Response Recording System
- Real-Time Motion Tracking
- MR BioPac
- Physiological Recording System
- ECG * RESP * PPG * GSR * CO2/O2
- High-Quality Auditory System
- Noise-Cancelling Microphone
- IT Facilities for Imaging
- DICOM Server *Data Analysis Lab*
- Eye-Tracking
- Infrared Participant Monitoring
- Response Devices
Steps for Conducting Research at the Maryland Neuroimaging Center
- Contact the MR Physicist Dr. Wang Zhan to discuss project feasibility and technical details*
- Register New Research Project with the Maryland Neuroimaging Center
- Schedule Time in the MRI, EEG, and/or practice time in the Mock scanner
*Research must meet IRB requirements
Do you have questions about how to set up, run, and/or improve your neuroimaging study? Contact the MNC for input and feedback:
For technical questions, contact Wang Zhan, PhD. Relevant questions include, but are not limited to:
Capabilities and features of the MRI system and the peripheral equipment at the MNC.
Creating, testing, and optimizing the scan protocols to answer your research questions, and budgeting your scanning time effectively.
Novel data acquisition techniques and pulse sequences (e.g. Structural, fMRI, DTI, ASL, multiband, Spectroscopy, etc…).
Safety related issues in the MR environment. This includes working with special populations (e.g. children or stroke patients) or special equipment (e.g. unconventional response tools).
Level-2 personnel and Operator training for your staff working at the MNC.
Image data storage and access management.
For scientific questions, contact MNC Research Scientist Jeremy Purcell, PhD. Questions from novices or potential users - completely new to neuroimaging - are welcome. Relevant questions include but are not limited to:
How to think about how to use neuroimaging to answer the research questions you are most interested in (this is particularly relevant for neuroimaging novices).
Setting up novel fMRI experimental designs, and/or reworking a previously developed behavioral experiments so they can be implemented in the scanning environment.
Implementing traditional and/or developing novel neuroimaging statistical analyses.
Guidance on best practices for data management and analysis after it has left the MNC.
Seed Grants are also available to sponsor UMD faculty use of the MRI scanner for the purpose of acquiring funding from an outside agency. Contact Sandy Collier at for more information.
Current research fosters collaboration among neuroscientists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, engineers, and physicists.
Undergraduate students
Contact for available research opportunies.